Thursday 10 March 2011

Feedback from Group T2-52

We really like the way the cuts are jumpy and edgy creating tension for the target audience and the way that you can see the emotion in the protagonists face whilst she is walking and the close ups of her eyes show a lot of worry for her character.
We couldn't quite tell what type of a thriller the film opening was, other than that it was to be psychological - meaning you didn't need to see the violence to picture what was going to happen, however it could of been useful to see some more sort of parts of the crime to get a better idea of whether it was to be a crime or theft thriller as we only saw a short few seconds of someone picking up a knife.
We could tell that the protagonist was isolated by the fact that no one else was walking around at the time.
Other than this, we feel it was a quite effective opening for a thriller and makes you want to find out whats going to happen next.

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